PRESENT: Kurtis R (Chair), Anne W (Notes), Jen W, Josie V, Sue D, Sue H, Bev M,
APOLOGIES; Ben H, Ryan F, Winnie D, Jill H-S-B,
In the absence of Ann H, Kurtis took the chair and welcomed Sue H as a new member to the group.
Minutes of the last meeting agreed and accepted.
All matters dealt with.
The planned event with the Member of Parliament is postponed.
Ansdell Medical Centre application to apply for membership of NAPP has been agreed by the partners. This now needs to be signed for.
It was agreed that Pauline, Operations Manager, should be invited to the next meeting. Action Bev
Only three of the new patient suggestion forms that Pauline provided have been completed.
Comments – Brilliant, Fab, Excellent.
Patient reviews on Google, both positive and negative are always responded to with helpful explanations and /or an invitation to get in touch and discuss.
Some feedback forms asking specific questions would be useful. Kurtis agreed to design these.
The GPs could be asked to hand these forms to patients following a consultation. Action Kurtis
Suggestions for feedback could be put on the web site. Action Ryan
Ann H joined the meeting.
Ann was able to give an update on news from the PPG network.
There was some discussion about the increasing financial pressures facing the practice.
Among other matters some of the funding for certain aspects of management is no longer available.
The speculation that 51% of GP surgeries would close, needed unravelling.
Members of the PPG network are to meet with Dr. A. Janjua on June 10th in Bickerstaffe House in Blackpool when he will address specific issues. Ansdell PPG members may be able to attend this meeting if a large enough room is located. Ann will inform Ansdell PPG members as soon as she is able. Action Ann
Ann has attached her mini-report from the last PPG Network meeting to these minutes*
This will take place during Patient Awareness Week on Tuesday 4th June 9.30 – 12.30.
The set -up arrangements will be as previously. Ann, Jen, and Josie agreed to be available.
An email to be sent to all members of the group informing them of Patient Awareness Week and asking for volunteers to help on that day.
Action Ann
An agreed format for greeting patients would be useful.
Jen will draw up a protocol sheet to share with volunteers.
Action Jen
Representatives from Samaritans and Bereavement Support to be asked to attend again. Action Josie
An invitation to attend to be sent to Just Good Friends. Action Bev
6. A.O.B
Ways to promote the Listening Table event considered, e.g. web site, in waiting room etc. Action Ryan
Several other items for discussion came were suggested but because of the lateness of the hour it was decided to add them as agenda items for the next meeting.
1/ Sue H re start time of meeting being later
2/ Ann H re update of CQC Practice Inspections
There being no other business the meeting closed at 6.25 pm
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 3rd July 2024 at 5pm
*Brief report from Ann from Network PPG Meeting 8th April
With apologies! I gave a very rushed verbal only report to PPG members at the meeting as I had arrived late and been unable to print out and provide this mini report at the Ansdell PPG meeting
This latest PPG Network meeting was particularly significant and covered a wide range of issues which the PPG Chairs from Blackpool and Fylde had raised. Full minutes tend to be produced too late for our Ansdell PPG meeting and so I have drawn up this mini report:
Items are not in order but linked for ease of sharing.
1/ Digital Leadership: raft of IT related problems
This matter was raised for discussion. The patients’ access to “apps” such as My GP, Patient Access, NHS App, Patches, “Evergreen” and more.
Who manages the data?
Can the PPG seek info and clarification from ICB and seek representation at ICB meetings so that we might challenge patient data, apps advice etc.
2/ Chemist issues: also Leases by GP surgeries may not be available.
Patients are unable to follow up complaints and concerns due to Operations Manager not being “available”. Chantelle to take action re process for complaints.
3/ New initiative – pioneering event next week in Blackpool:
Volunteering “on prescription” may be managed by Poverty Truth Commission who will provide support to patients who wish to volunteer. This initiative is already being pioneered in Blackpool Victoria Hospital. More details when full network PPG Minutes are released.
4/ The potential 51% closure of GP surgeries: Serious financial / staffing concerns
Members present wanted to know if this was a genuine prediction or possible “scaremongering”. It was decided that the Network PPG should invite Dr Adam Janjua (who’s article had been published in national newspapers) to come and speak to us/answer questions. The details are to be firmed up, but hopefully he will speak to us at the next Network PPG meeting on 10th June. PPGs may be able to invite extra representatives to attend that meeting. TBC
5/ CQC inspections
Around the table (about 12 GP practices were represented), no practice had been inspected more recently than 2017. PPGs are meant to be involved in such inspections. It was noted that we were not gaining access to the CQC reviews and we wondered what was happening. Why are they not being carried out? What is being held in their place.
Many other minor but interesting issues were also raised by PPG Chairs who were present at this Network Meeting. The full minutes will address these issues and I will circulate them when I receive them.