PPG Minutes 19th October 2021

  1. Introduction

The chairman introduced the meeting as a new start, using the Terms of Reference as a guide and limiting the PPG activities to concentrate on supporting the Surgery in its day-to-day operation.

Apologies were received from Ann and Mike and the PPG welcomed a new member in Christina.

The chairman outlined that a meeting with the Practice had occurred in order to baseline the way forward. (Notes attached).

2. Matters arising

A suggestion box has now been placed in the reception area.

A further action was placed on the practice to provide note paper for patients to use.

It was noted that pages for the PPG have been added to the website. 

An action was placed on all PPG members to review and provide comments.

It was noted that the short article aimed at encouraging people to find out about and join the PPG had not yet been placed in the local press. Aileen was to pursue this.

3. Feedback from Regional PPG

It was noted that no recent regional PPG meeting had been held. The next one being scheduled for 26th October on MS Teams. Bev was to try and attend.

The next neighbourhood PPG meeting was to be held on the 3rd of November. Aileen and/or Bev to attend.

4. Comments/Suggestions from Patients

It was noted that only generic issues will be discussed and not individual matters.

No suggestions had been submitted prior to the meeting.

No adverse comments were received via the Facebook page nor the website.

A general discussion then took place around Face-to-Face contact with GPS and the fact that patients seemed unsure as to what is treatment areas are available. This ranges from 111 calls to wound dressing.

It was also noted that at least one patient recently joining the practice has not received the induction pack and other patients had never received the pack.

It was agreed that the patient induction pack would be made available via the website.

Action Kurtis to pursue.

It was also agreed that a review should take place around what information is available to patients that require access to treatment and how this could be improved, as it is a little confusing for patients. This would help around education to reduce the surgery calls as well as giving patients guidance as to where appropriate support can be found.

Action all PPG members to supply Bev with information they are aware of.

Action Brian and Bev to review and provide a proposal for discussion.

It was agreed that for the next meeting figures with regard to surgery calls, GP appointments, nurse appointments etc would be presented for discussion at the next PPG.

5. Communications matters 

Action all PPG members to review the website and Facebook pages to offer suggestions/improvements.

6. Any other business

The issue of minor injuries surgery to be raised at the regional PPG.

Next meeting December 8th 5pm