PPG – Patient Participation Group

GP surgeries have a responsibility to involve patients in relevant issues relating to the practice and to respond appropriately to patients’ views and experiences.

GP practices also have a duty to engage with their patients in order to enable the Governing Body of the CCG to make commissioning decisions that reflect the needs, priorities and aspirations of the local population.

Aims of the PPG

The aims of the PPG are to represent the patients of the Ansdell Medical Practice by working in conjunction with the GP Partnership and practice staff, to improve services to patients.

Who are the PPG?

The PPG comprises both patients and practice staff, and meets at least bi-monthly. The role is unpaid and on a voluntary basis. There is no specific duration or contract.

It is involved in discussing with the practice what priorities it should set, undertaking surveys of patient opinion, and generally improving the experience at the Surgery. 

The PPG is open to all patients who are over 16 years old and are registered at the practice.

If you are interested in joining our PPG,
please let our Reception team know.
T: 01253 229520