Ansdell Medical Centre Patient Newsletter – June 2024

Ansdell Medical Centre Patient Newsletter – February 2024

Ansdell Medical Centre Patient Newsletter – November 2023

Physiotherapy Appointments Available NOW

You can book an appointment directly with an experienced physiotherapist via reception which means you won’t need to wait for an appointment or referral from a GP

This means you get better and quicker care, and also frees up GP appointments for patients with other conditions

You may be eligible for an appointment with a physiotherapist if you have new symptoms of the following problems:

🔺 All soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains or sports injuries

🔺Arthritis – any joint

🔺Possible problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons or bone, eg tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, ankle sprains

🔺Spinal pain including lower back pain, mid-back pain and neck pain

🔺Spinal-related pain in arms or legs, including nerve symptoms, eg pins and needles or numbness

🔺Changes to walking

🔺Post-orthopaedic surgery

The physiotherapist will:

🔺Assess you and diagnose what’s happening

🔺Give expert advice on how best to manage your condition

🔺Arrange further investigations or refer you on to specialist services if necessary

Appointments available now!

Contact Reception for more information and to book an appointment

Ansdell Medical Centre Newsletter – August 2023

The NHS app

If you’re a patient at our practice, you can use the NHS App to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

It doesn’t replace existing services. 

You can still contact us in the usual ways. But, once you have verified your identity in the app, you will have easy, 24/7 access to a growing range of health services and information.

Advice and information:

  • search symptoms, conditions, and treatments 
  • get health advice through 111 online 
  • find NHS services near you 
  • check your NHS number


  • book and cancel appointments 
  • check your referrals and hospital appointments 
  • manage vaccinations 


  • nominate a pharmacy and order repeat prescriptions  

Manage your health: (Please note you might need to request access codes from us first for this feature)

  • access your GP health record securely 
  • register your organ donation decision 
  • take part in health research  

Send and receive messages: (Please note you will only able to receive messages currently)

  • send an online form about your symptoms, conditions, or treatment directly to the surgery  
  • receive messages and notifications 
  • view messages from your GP surgery and get notifications through your phone or tablet 

Help someone else: (Please note you will need to fill in a Proxy Access form from our practice first)

  • link profiles. You can apply to access the health records, appointments and prescriptions of people you care for (including children) – or get help from someone you trust 

If you already use Patient Access for example, you can continue to use it. But the NHS App will give you easy and secure access on your smartphone.  

If you have any problems using the NHS App, you can select ‘help’ in the top right-hand corner of the app or visit

New Patient Newsletter Coming Soon

We will be launching our new patient newsletter quarterly on our website, starting at the end of August. Our newsletter will feature news updates about the practice, including important dates, changes to the business and more. It will also include useful information about external services, campaigns and events in the area, helpful advice regarding medication and pharmacies, how-to digital advice and updates, general health tips and seasonal health advice, PPG news, PCN news, patient stories and reviews, and directories for a broad spectrum of services available to you.

10 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

1. Get Active

It’s the perfect time to get active. No matter how much you do, physical activity is good for your body and mind. Adults should aim to be active every day. Some is good – more is better still.

A daily brisk walk can give your body a boost, lift your mood and make everyday activities easier.

Boost your fitness with fun and practical ideas to help you get into shape, including Couch to 5K, Active 10 and the NHS Fitness Studio

2. Quit Smoking

It’s never too late to quit. You’ve got this!

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health. So make this January your fresh start and join the thousands who are quitting. Check out the NHS better health website for advice, tools and tips. Including the free NHS Quit Smoking app!

3. Quit or Drink Less Alcohol

Cutting back on the booze can be a really effective way to improve your health, boost your energy, lose weight and save money.

Any reduction in the amount you drink every week will be beneficial – and with the right help, it’s easier than you think.

Use the NHS website to calculate your units, get tips on cutting down, track your drinking and download the free Drink Free Days app to manage your habits.

4. Eat more Fruit and Veg

Whether you’re cooking for a family or eating on the go, the NHS tips and recipes can help you get your 5 A Day

Evidence shows there are significant health benefits to getting at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. That’s 5 portions of fruit and veg in total, not 5 portions of each. A portion of fruit or vegetables is 80g.

5. Lose Weight

If you’re overweight, losing weight has many health benefits. Making small, simple changes to what and how much you are eating and drinking can really help you lose the pounds.

Get practical tips to lose excess weight, including getting started, healthy food swaps, and a 12-week weight loss plan by downloading the free NHS Weight Loss Plan app.

6. Have Fun!

List some fun things to do – not all resolutions have to be about self-discipline and self-improvement. One of the best things for your mental health is to unwind, have a laugh or feel fulfilled.

Whether you want to tick something off the bucket list or start that hobby you’ve always put off, have no shame or fear doing what your heart desires. Why not try booking a trip out of town with friends, a nostalgic visit to an arcade or amusement park, painting, joining a class or sports club. It can be simple and small, as long as you enjoy yourself!

7. Limit Screen Time

Many people depend on their phones and computers for work and entertainment. However, spending too much time on electronic devices — particularly on social media — has been linked to depression, anxiety, and loneliness in some studies.

Setting a resolution to cut back on the time you spend scrolling through social media, watching TV, or playing computer games may help boost your mood and enhance productivity.

8. Reduce Stress

Most people feel stressed sometimes and some people find stress helpful or even motivating. But if stress is affecting your life, there are things you can try that may help.

9. Get Better Sleep

Good-quality sleep makes a big difference to how we feel, mentally and physically, so it’s important to get enough. Watch this video on simple tips for better sleep

We all have evenings when we find it hard to fall asleep or we wake up in the night. 

Visit the NHS every-mind-matters website for more tips and advice.

10. Practice Self-Care

Taking time for yourself is not selfish. In fact, it’s imperative for optimal health and wellbeing. This is especially true for those in caretaker roles, such as parents and healthcare workers.

For people with busy schedules and limited time, making a resolution to engage in self-care may take some planning. However, it’s well worth the time investment.

Self-care doesn’t have to be elaborate or time consuming. It can simply mean taking a bath every week, attending your favourite weekly yoga class, preparing a healthy meal for yourself, going for a walk in nature, or getting an extra hour of sleep.