People living across the Fylde coast can ask questions of their local NHS as the three local organisations in the area come together for their joint annual meetings.
The annual general meetings of NHS Blackpool and Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and the annual members meeting of Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust will, for the third year running, be held as a single joint meeting.
This year’s meeting is on Thursday 5 July at the education centre at Blackpool Victoria Hospital from 9.45am. The meeting will be followed by a chance to visit the celebrations for the NHS’ 70th anniversary taking place in the main hospital building.
In preparation for the meeting the two CCGs have already published their annual reports on their websites with paper copies available at the meeting. The reports set out the progress made to develop safe, high quality health services for local people. It also describes how the NHS has worked closely with local GPs, patients, carers, local authorities and partner organisations to shape plans for the future that put patients at the very heart of services.
Residents are also invited to send any questions for the organisations ahead of the meeting by email to [email protected]. The questions will be answered during the meeting and also made available on the organisations’ websites afterwards.
The meeting will also be streamed live via the NHS Blackpool CCG Facebook page found at